100 Airdrie Men | Be A Part of a Better Community.

Nominating A Charity

We want to be open to helping as many groups in Airdrie as we can. We have a few simple requirements for any group wishing to receive a donation:

Must be a registered charity*
*As of 2022, we have decided to dedicate two meetings per year to community groups that are not registered charities. This means that donations do not get tax receipts for that meeting. Non-registered groups present at Q1 and Q 3 meetings, registered charities at Q2 and Q4.
Must have not presented in the previous quarter
Must have not received a 100 Men Who Give A Damn prize in the previous year
Must be willing to provide tax receipts*
*applies to registered charity meetings only.
Must be based in, and/or provide service to, Airdrie
Must be nominated by an existing 100 Airdrie Men Who Give A Damn member*
*Note: if you do not know of an existing member to nominate your charity on your behalf, please feel free to join our Facebook page and introduce yourselves. Many of our members are looking to learn about new charitable efforts and can bring forward your charity on your behalf.

If the charity fits those requirements, send us an email with:

  • the name of the charity,
  • a contact person,
  • a very brief description of why they deserve to be nominated
  • confirmation that they can issue tax receipts
  • a link (if applicable) to a website, Facebook page, etc.

The Nomination Process

  • All eligible charities will be put into a random draw and three will be chosen two weeks prior to each meeting so that they can prepare their presentations.
    • When required, weightings are provided towards new charities (i.e. new charities are put in the draw for the first two spots, then all other charities included in draw for third spot).
  • Members will not be notified ahead of time which charities will be presenting.
    • However, charities are encouraged to promote the meeting with their own followers in order to encourage meeting participation.
  • At each meeting, charities will be given up to 7 minutes for their presentation.
  • After a secret ballot vote, successful charities will be notified immediately.

Meeting Presentations

  • At each meeting, charities will be given up to 7 minutes for their presentation.
  • We welcome all manners of presentations. Please note that if you have A/V requirements (projectors, laptops, etc) please consult with the venue for that night on their ability to accommodate those needs.
    • Keep in mind the variables that come with A/V requirements (particpant sight lines at the venue, audio quality, file / operating system compatibility, etc). If it is not required, consider not relying on A/V equipment for your presentation.
  • Similarly, any required handouts and/or info packages will be left up to the presenting charities.

Tips for Presenters

  • Charities should strive to answer the following questions:

    • what is it that you do?
    • where will the money go?
    • how does your work impact Airdrie
    • what will the money mean to your charity in the short-term? Long-term?
  • Keep the presentations short and to the point

  • Be as authentic as possible!

  • Share and promote! Charities are encouraged to share their participation on their social media channels. Voting is almost always very close (we've even had a tie!) and your announcement may encourage one of your members to join. It may be the difference between collecting $10,000!

Current Charities

We have decided to include all nominated charities into each draw every month. (Previously, charities needed to be re-nominated).

Below is a list of charities currently being considered - unless they have recently won or presented. Included is their website if you wish to connect with them outside of 100 Men.

(*If there is an error below or you would like your charity removed, please contact us.)

Name Website Charity Status
948 Charity Supports https://www.948charitysupport.ca/ Non-registered
Access Child and Youth Development https://accesschildandyouth.com/ Non-registered
Adopt-A-Grad Foundation of Canada https://adoptagrad.ca/ Non-registered
ADVAS airdrievictimassistance.com Registered
Airdrie Air Cadets airdrieaircadets.ca Registered
Airdrie Angel airdrieangel.ca Non-registered
Airdrie BMX airdriebmx.ca Non-registered
Airdrie Food Bank airdriefoodbank.com Registered
Airdrie Foundation airdriefoundation.ca Registered
Airdrie Health Foundation airdriehealthfoundation.com Registered
Airdrie Highlanders Youth Rugby facebook.com/airdriehighlanders Non-registered
Airdrie Hospice Society airdriehospice.ca/ Registered
Airdrie Legion airdrielegion.ca Non-registered
Airdrie First Club (formerly Lioness) airdrielionessclub.com Registered
Airdrie Meals on Wheels Society airdriemealsonwheels.ca Registered
Airdrie Minor Football airdriefootball.com Non-registered
Airdrie Navy League airdrienavyleague.com Registered
Airdrie P.O.W.E.R airdriepower.com Registered
Airdrie Pride airdriepride.ca Non-registered
Airdrie Scouts 1stairdriescouts.com Registered
Airdrie Sea Cadets airdrieseacadets.ca Registered
Airdrie Soccer airdriesoccer.com Non-registered
Airdrie Youth Volunteer Corp volunteerairdrie.ca/yvc/ Registered
Airdrie Minor Hockey Association airdriehockey.com Non-registered
APARC aparc.ca Registered
Bethany Care Foundation bethanyseniors.com/communities/bethany-airdrie/ Registered
Big Brother Big Sister-Airdrie bbbscalgary.ca/programs/airdrie/ Registered
BGC Airdrie bgcairdrie.com Registered
Calgary and Area Search & Rescue calsara.com Registered
Childrens Society Festival airdriechildrensfest.com Non-registered
Community Links mycommunitylinks.ca Registered
Festival of Lights Society airdrielights.com Non-registered
Field Turf Society airdriefieldturfproject.com Non-registered
Harmonized Health Registered
Kalix Legacy Fund kalixlegacyfund.com Non-registered
Kidsport kidsportcanada.ca/alberta/calgary/ Registered
Kiwanis Airdrie airdriekiwanis.ca Registered
Live Local facebook.com/AirdrieLiveLocal/ Non-registered
Make Airdrie's Playgrounds Inclusive and Accessible https://www.facebook.com/groups/936044307404576 Registered
Nose Creek Museum nosecreekvalleymuseum.com Registered
Project Linus facebook.com/Airdrie-Project-Linus-524975287532145/ Registered
Quinns Legacy facebook.com/quinnslegacyrun/ Registered
SMART Recovery facebook.com/smartairdrie/ Non-registered
Sober Friends Society https://thesoberfriendssociety.org/ Non-registered
Soap for Hope facebook.com/soapforhopeyyc/ Registered
Stephens Backpack Society stephensbackpacks.com Registered
Tails to Tell tailstotell.ca Registered
Thumbs Up Foundation thethumbsupfoundation.com Registered
Volunteer Airdrie volunteerairdrie.ca Registered
Wild Rose Shriners abshriners.com/wild-rose-shrine-club Registered